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24. Mai 2022
traceless among the winners of German Startup Award 2022
traceless Co-Founder and COO Johanna Baare wins German Startup Award in the Category Female Newcomer of the Year 2022. With the German...

5. Mai 2022
Ask the expert: Don't call it plastic - it's traceless!
What do a water bottle, electrical equipment case and cigarette butts have in common? They are all (partially) made from plastic - which...

10. Apr. 2022
Ready to meet the biopioneers?
We're happy share a new portrait about traceless, which is the latest episode of a series called "Die Biopioniere". A camera team visited...

14. März 2022
Die Zaubertüte - traceless featured in ZEIT Leo & ZEIT Online
Have you ever wondered how we came up with the idea behind traceless materials and the innovative technology we use? Germany's biggest...

2. Feb. 2022
traceless ranked Nr. 1 of Germany's TOP 50 startups
Germany's start-up ranking for 2021 is official: Over 170 startup award competitions and 700+ start-ups were analysed to filter out the...

21. Dez. 2021
traceless' LCA: Making an impact...
It's time to show numbers! We always say traceless materials are a holistically sustainable alternative to plastics and bioplastics -...

28. Nov. 2021
Darboven IDEE Prize 2021
Awarded by Hamburg's Coffee Roaster Albert Darboven since 1997, this prize for female entrepreneurs can look back on a long tradition.

24. Nov. 2021
Press Echo Autumn 2021
Various press portals and newspapers, both from the professional and the public sector, picked up our latest major news announcements of...

12. Nov. 2021
Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year 2021
The idea for traceless was originally developed out of a scientific interest - therefore, this title makes us especially proud: At the...
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