We're happy to be a guest in a podcast whose topic might resonate with many of you: The new Planetary Podcast! In this new format, Frank Dahlmann from the business magazine brand eins, and Fridtjof Detzner from the Impact Investor planet A discuss how a new economy within planetary boundaries could look like. And true to their promise to show solutions and be the drivers instead of the driven, they don't stop with just theory - they present solutions, and invite guests specifically to the respective topic of the show.
We at traceless are beyond honoured to be a guest for not one, but even two episodes: We could join the kickoff episode, which has been recorded live at the famous Bits&Pretzels Munich, and were invited at the second episode, which is about Plastics. Tune in to join the conversations!
Episode 1 - Live at Bits & Pretzels
English Language | Recorded on 25 September 2022
How do we create a new economy within planetary boundaries? Discussing this live on the main stage of Bits & Pretzels:
Holger Volland (brand eins),
Maja Göpel (political economist),
Fridtjof Detzner (Planet A),
Frank Niederländer (BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt),
Anne Lamp (Traceless)
Episode 2 - Plastics
German language
Frank Dahlmann from brand eins and Fridtjof Detzner from Planet A discuss a new economy within planetary boundaries. This episode is about the topic of plastics. With them:
Christian Sigmund, CEO and co-founder of Wildplastic.
Anne Lamp, CEO and co-founder of Traceless
Christian Schiller, CEO and co-founder of Cirplus
About Planetary Podcast

Frank Dahlmann from the business magazine brand eins and Fridtjof Detzner from Impact Investor Planet A discuss a new economy within planetary boundaries. Finally out of the old industrial society and into a new mindset, a new economy for a better future for all. We want to be drivers - not driven. Seize the opportunities that present themselves. Create better companies, make better investments. The value of a company cannot be measured by its profit alone. Companies must face up to their social responsibility. And be successful in spite of it and precisely because of it. We will succeed if everyone joins in. Let's get started.
Initiated by brand eins, planet A and RESPOND.
Find the Planetary Podcast:
Podigee: https://planetary.podigee.io/