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Interpack 2023: Spotlight on Sustainability - and on traceless!

Autorenbild: tracelesstraceless

As a young company founded in 2020, it was our first time at Interpack - the No. 1 Trade Fair for Packaging and Processing. And we directly entered the spotlight: The Live TV Studio Tightly Packed! As an impact startup with a holistic, science-based approach and a novel, pioneering material solution, our mission is at the heart of the issue that this Interpack addresses: The green transformation of the packaging industry. Since our innovative biomaterial solution traceless® has great application potential in different kinds of packaging - from flexible over rigid packaging to paper coating or adhesive solutions - our Head of Marketing / Sales Philip Ortin was invited to the studio and present our novel biomaterial solution to the trade fair public!

Time to talk traceless!

In a Late-Night-TV-Studio atmosphere, the host and Philip did a real round-about of traceless topics: What makes our natural biomaterial traceless® so eco-friendly, and why is it different than the bioplastics we already know? Why do we not just use 100% plant biomass as a resource, but even agricultural leftovers for our technology? Can a plastic-free material based on natural biopolymers replace all plastics - and how can packaging producers become a part of our pioneering journey? Watch the video above to learn more!

Düssedorf, here we come: traceless' Sales Manager Eike Langenberg and Head of Marketing/Sales Philip Ortin!

The Interpack: Green claims everywhere...

What else do we have to report from Düsseldorf? Well, we expected it, but in the exhibition halls we were anyways impressed by the omnipresence: Sustainability is everywhere! Given the urgency of the challenges, this is good news for now - the issue has arrived at the centre of the debate and things are moving. However, we have noticed that one has to take a closer look at one or the other green claim... not everything that is advertised as green is really environmentally friendly in all aspects. We say: the perfect time to lead the way with holistic concepts and pioneering solutions!

...and a huge interest in holistic solutions!

And with such a pioneering solution in store, the traceless team was on the road and held many exciting conversations. Of course we met our existing cooperation partners, but we also made some interesting new contacts. Because the interest in sustainable solutions is huge! That's why we're looking forward to the following fair days, and to even more interesting conversations in Düsseldorf. Stay tuned for more updated from our collabortation projects!


You'd like to learn more about natural biomaterials like traceless®? On behalf of Interpack, we prepared a blogpost with a special focus on the application potential in the packaging sector! Furthermore, we shed some light on technical definitions and regulatory topics, tell you more about the relevance of impact assessment and take a close look at end-of-life scenarios.


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