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traceless among the Next Economy Award Finalists

Autorenbild: tracelesstraceless

Our ambitious path is headed towards a world where pollution and waste are history – and we hope for traceless materials to have a share in realising this. And yes, we are beyond happy that we have received great recognition for this mission, e.g. by winning the Deutscher Gründerpreis just a few months ago.

Nonetheless, this nomination is a special honour for us, as it is based upon to the core of our mission: We proudly announce that we are selected as one of the finalists of the startup competition of the German Sustainability Award (Nachhaltigkeitspreis) - the Next Economy Award 2022! The award prizes founders who drive social and ecological change with innovative business models to hereby help shape the next, more sustainable economy.

A big stage for green innovations

As a finalist, we are invited to pitch traceless in front of the jury at the 15th Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitstag, taking place in Düsseldorf on the 2nd of December. It is Europe's largest sustainability platform, bringing together the leading players from business, politics, science and civil society. Such a great chance to meet other companies and personalities that are driving the green transformation!

Your vote counts!

The final decision will partly be based on a public vote. We have created a little video telling and showing you a bit more about what we do at traceless. You're convinced, and you would like to help us win the award? Support us in the public voting here - thank you! Other than our gratitude, which is guaranteed, you can win two tickets for the Nachhaltigkeitstag. So, see you in Düsseldorf…?


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