We honestly still can’t believe this - traceless won the Deutscher Gründerpreis 2022 in the Startup category! Yesterday evening, the 13th of September 2022, our two founders Anne Lamp and Johanna Baare were live on stage in the ZDF Hauptstadtstudio, receiving this amazing recognition on behalf of our whole team. We are beyond honoured to receive this wonderful recognition - thank you to the jury and the initiatiors!
traceless founders Anne Lamp & Johanna Baare on stage of the ZDF Hauptstadtstudio in Berlin
It was a memorable night, not only for our two founders in Berlin, but also for the rest of the team, who watched the live broadcast in Hamburg all together. What Anne and Johanna have to say about winning the award? We asked them for you!
What does it mean to you to have won the German Entrepreneur Award?
Anne: ''We see this honourable mention not only as recognition for our work at traceless, but also as confirmation of the high relevance and urgency of the problem we are working on. In a year of multiple crises, it has become clearer than ever that the transformation towards green, circular economies and the shift away from fossil resources is one of the greatest challenges of our time.''
Johanna: ''More and more people are questioning the way we live, consume and produce, and are concerned about the planet we leave behind for future generations. At traceless, it’s our aim to offer a solution to this: A material that impacts positively on the planet, rather than leaving behind unintended traces in the form of pollution and waste. And we’re incredibly happy that the jury has recognized the pioneering approach we take!''
After achieving a recognition like this, what is next on your agenda?
Anne: ''Of course, receiving an acknowledgement like this is important and shows us that what we are doing is seen and recognized. But as an impact-driven company, we are not yet at the end of our mission: realising the full impact potential of our technology, and making our contribution to solve the global plastic pollution and climate crisis! And for this, as with all the complex environmental and societal challenges, it is so important to keep working together, because no one will create a change on their own.''
What is necessary to succeed on your further journey?
Johanna: ''As Anne just pointed out, we highly rely on our network to realise our impact potential. This includes not only our team, but also our business partners, investors and supporters who decided to join our pioneering journey. Not to forget the support from society and consumers, and the already raised awareness about plastic pollution. The need for innovation and greener solutions is higher than ever, and it is great that new ideas are received by many with open arms instead of with scepticism. To achieve real change on a large scale, it takes many of us to be part of the solution!''
Video produced by Macondo on behalf of Deutscher Gründerpreis
Big congratulations to the winners in the other categories: osapiens for the Rising Star, Klaus Grohe for the Lifetime Achievement, Tatjana Kiel by Klitschko Ventures / #WeAreAllUkrainians for the Special Award, and VoltVoyage in the Student Category. Our sincere recognition also goes to our fellow start-up nominees Aleph Alpha and Additive Drives GmbH!

About the Deutscher Gründerpreis The German Entrepreneur Award is the country's most prestigious acknowledgement of ntrepreneurial excellence and achievement. It aims to foster a positive entrepreneurial environment in Germany and encourages individuals to start their own business. The initiators of the award are stern magazine, Sparkassen, ZDF and Porsche. The partners have been actively fostering a culture of entrepreneurship since 1997; Porsche joined as partner in 2007.
Learn more about the award and the other winners on www.deutscher-gruenderpreis.de Find a recording of the festive award ceremony in the ZDF Mediathek under this link.
Media Echo
On behalf of the Deutscher Gründerpreis, several press and media reported about us. Find links to our favourite articles and features here:
ZDF WISO documentary "Tradition meets Innovation". Documentary about family businesses and startups, where traceless and OTTO are being visited. > Link to the video
stern magazine Nr. 38 / EXTRA Green Living / "In Guten Händen" by Doris Schneyink
Porsche Consulting Magazin / "Zwei Frauen schaffen Plastik ab / Two women get rid of plastics" by Tanja Krupp. > Link to the online article